
Licensing & Certification


Currently there is no uniform state licensing approach for pool professionals. There are a handful of states that require licensing specifically for pool professionals, but a fair majority either have 1) a license requirement of a more general nature with little to no specific pool training required to obtain, 2) what may boil down to a “tax” in order to do business, or 3) there are no requirements at all. PHTA members voice concerns that consumers do not always recognize the fact their CBP or CSP certification provides them with training that elevates them above those in the industry that may have little or no training. Further, those who enforce code requirements recognize the need for proper education and training in order to ensure the life safety aspects of any construction are met.

With the advent of the International Swimming Pool & Spa Code in 2012, along with the long history of our ANSI/APSP standards program and education certification programs (CBP & CSP), many believe the next logical step is the development of licensing.

Where We Stand...

To protect the public and raise professionalism in the industry, PHTA supports state pool and spa licensing efforts around the country to safeguard PHTA members and to defeat consumer exploitation by unskilled laborers. Licensure efforts include consideration of the PHTA certifications. PHTA members who would like to see the development of licensing in their state are encouraged to reach out to PHTA. PHTA will actively promote and support state pool and spa contractor licensing and will suggest utilizing PHTA certification and training programs already in existence as a template and avenue for such licensing.

Further, PHTA works to ensure pool operator regulations provide for the Certified Pool Operator program and allow for both in-person and online courses.

State Licensure Information


Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Strategic Partners:

  • Biolab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness
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