standards and codes

PHTA Standards Development Process

Part of PHTA's Center of Technical Excellence, the standards program consists of PHTA (serving as the Secretariat), the PHTA Standards Writing Committees (SWCs), the Standards Process Committee (SPC), the Technical Advisory Council (TAC), and the PHTA Standards Consensus Committee (SCC) serving as the consensus body. The SCC shall be sufficiently diverse and the PHTA will strive for balance of all interested and affected parties during the development process. This is to ensure reasonable balance without dominance by one particular interest category or corporation in accordance with the ANSI Essential Requirements of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). By adhering to ANSI's due process of openness, balance, and consensus, PHTA standards will serve and protect the public.

Steps to approve:

  1. The PHTA Standards Writing Committee (SWC) drafts the content of a proposed American National Standard.

    Learn more and apply to be a member of a PHTA Standard Writing Committee

  2. The draft then enters the ANSI balloting process for a vote of the PHTA Standards Consensus Committee (SCC) and public review. The SCC is responsible for approving the technical content of the standard.

    Learn more and apply to be a member of the PHTA Standards Consensus Committee

  3. The standard is submitted to ANSI for approval as an American National Standard.

    Interested parties may provide input during the standard development process. You may always comment or submit a change request for any PHTA Standard.

Submit a PHTA Standard Change Request

The Technical Advisory Council (TAC), through the Code Action Committee (CAC), Editorial Review Committee (ERC), Recreational Water and Air Quality Committee (RWAQC) and Standards Process Committee (SPC), provides technical support and facilitates integration among PHTA and industry codes and standards.

Learn more and apply to be a member of a PHTA Technical Committee

Maintenance of American National Standards

  • Periodic Maintenance: PHTA reviews the entire standard document with action to revise or reaffirm it within five years from the date of its approval.
  • Continuous Maintenance: PHTA considers recommended changes to any part of the standard according to a schedule for consideration and action by the SCC. More details and a listing of PHTA standards under continuous maintenance are available in the American National Standards Maintained under Continuous Maintenance document (page 46) on the ANSI website,

Technical Committees

Standard Writing Committees (SWCs)


Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Strategic Partners:

  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness
  • Biolab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness
  • Biolab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
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