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Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Issues Call for PHTA Glossary Committee Participation

  • Feb 7, 2024

February 7, 2024

Media Contact:
Amy Willer
Director, Content and Communications
703-838-0083, ext. 121 |


(Alexandria, Va.) — The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA), the trade association representing the swimming pool, hot tub, and spa industry, is beginning its 41st year as an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards Developing Organization (SDO) by announcing the creation of the PHTA Glossary Committee (PGC). Applications are now being accepted to join this new committee.

The purpose of the PGC will be to help harmonize the definitions of terms in all PHTA standards and publications. Committee members will work with a variety of authoritative external organizations, standards, and publications to rationalize this harmonization effort. Though the product of this work will continue to be revised, the initial effort is planned to be completed in early 2025.

Once formed, the PGC will meet every two weeks to review an existing collection of terms, associate them with existing concepts, and review new terms and definitions uncovered by research. Subject matter experts (SMEs) who would like to serve on the PGC and assist with this work must be willing and able to actively participate in the glossary creation process and have a working understanding of the aquatics industry. Interested parties who are not members of the PGC are welcome to attend meetings as observers throughout the creation process.

The PGC seeks to establish a diverse membership to ensure representation of all market sectors possible and encourages all with an interest to apply.

Completed application forms are due to PHTA by March 8, 2024. For more information, visit the Participate in the Process webpage or, or email PHTA Director of Codes and External Standards Gregory Ceton at


About the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance
The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA), a non-profit organization with 3,800 members from around the world, was established in 1956 to support, promote, and protect the common interests of the $62B pool, hot tub, and spa industry. PHTA provides education, advocacy, standards development, research, and market growth initiatives to increase our members’ professionalism, knowledge, and profitability. Additionally, PHTA promotes the use of pools by expanding swimming, water safety, and related research and outreach activities aimed at introducing more people to swimming, making swimming environments safer, and keeping pools open to serve communities. For more information, visit


Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Strategic Partners:

  • Biolab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness
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