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PHTA Apprenticeship Program Approved in California

  • Feb 19, 2020

For Immediate Release
February 19, 2020

Janay Rickwalder
Vice President, Marketing & Communications

PHTA Apprenticeship Program Approved in California

(ALEXANDRIA, VA) — The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance is pleased to announce that California approved the participation of PHTA’s Apprenticeship Program in the state’s Apprenticeship System, paving the way for a national program designed to develop a highly skilled workforce for the pool and hot tub industry.

“The purpose of any apprenticeship program is to offer specific training in a career development environment and produce candidates for hire in that field,” said PHTA President and CEO Sabeena Hickman. “PHTA’s Apprenticeship Program will match interested member companies with prospective pool and hot tub maintenance specialist and pool and hot tub service technician apprentices who will receive both classroom and on-the-job education.”

“This program could not have happened without the hard work and dedication of the Apprenticeship and Training Committee,  comprised of Jennifer Farwell, Director of PHTA’s Western Office, David Hawes, Chief Financial Officer of the Independent Pool And Spa Association (IPSSA), and Steve Homer, Vice President of the United Pool Association (UPA),” continued Hickman.

California’s registered apprenticeship program enables employers the ability to create training programs that will ultimately improve the quality of the workforce and increase consumer awareness of the pool and hot tub industry’s professionalism.

For more information, please contact Janay Rickwalder, PHTA’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications, at or 703.357.3918.


About PHTA
The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance was formed in 2019, combining The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) and the National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF). With the mission to “Celebrate the Water,” PHTA facilitates the expansion of swimming, water safety and related research and outreach activities aimed at introducing more people to swimming, making swimming environments safer and keeping pools open to serve communities. For more information, visit


Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Strategic Partners:

  • Biolab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness
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