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GENESIS® Announces Shaun Goldberg as New Construction Faculty Advisor

  • Dec 19, 2022

December 19, 2022

Media Contact:
Amy Willer
Associate Director, Marketing and Communications
703-838-0083, ext. 121 |


(Alexandria, Va.) – GENESIS®, a company of the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA), is pleased to announce Shaun Goldberg as its new Plaster Construction Faculty Advisor. Goldberg is Plaster Operations Manager for Burkett's Pool Plastering, Inc. and currently serves as Vice Chair of the National Plasterers Council (NPC).

Goldberg has more than 35 years of pool industry experience and has plastered or overseen more than 50,000 pools. His wide range of work, from residential pools to large commercial facilities, will make him a valuable and integral part of the GENESIS® team.

In addition to being Vice Chair, Goldberg is currently NPC's Technical Committee Co-Chair. He previously served on NPC's Research Committee and Education Committee as well. Goldberg has taught several courses on plastering techniques, where he highlights how to put the past, present, and future of the pool industry together to gain a deeper understanding of how things work today.

As the Plaster Construction Faculty Advisor, Goldberg will take the lead in updating and expanding the plaster curriculum that is included in the GENESIS® construction programs. He will advise on technique, application, materials, and other components. Goldberg will teach portions of C201, in addition to plastering-specific courses that are in the process of being developed.

"I've always admired the fact that GENESIS® and its students are all about education," says Goldberg. "GENESIS® and PHTA set the industry standards and educate industry professionals with a forward-thinking mindset. There are always new developments in pool construction and design, and I'm happy to have a part in it."

"Goldberg has been a leader in the plaster industry for years, as has Burkett's Pool Plastering, Inc.," says Skip Phillips, GENESIS® Co-Founder and Certified Master Pool Builder and Design Professional. "We welcome his experience and expertise as a key component of the GENESIS® construction education and faculty."

For more information, please contact Amy Willer, PHTA's Associate Director of Marketing and Communications, at or 703-838-0083, ext. 121.


About the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance
The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA), a non-profit organization with more than 3,600 members from around the world, was established in 1956 to support, promote, and protect the common interests of the $36.5B pool, hot tub, and spa industry. PHTA provides education, advocacy, standards development, research, and market growth to increase our members’ professionalism, knowledge, and profitability. Additionally, PHTA facilitates the expansion of swimming, water safety, and related research and outreach activities aimed at introducing more people to swimming, making swimming environments safer, and keeping pools open to serve communities. For more information, visit


Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Strategic Partners:

  • Biolab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness
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