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American Swimming Coaches Association Joins Step Into Swim / Every Child A Swimmer Coalition
December 8, 2021

American Swimming Coaches Association Joins Step Into Swim / Every Child A Swimmer Coalition

Olympic Gold Medalist Rowdy Gaines, along with swimming and pool industry leaders from the American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA), the Pool & Hot Tub Foundation (PHTF), the International Swimming Hall of Fame (ISHOF), and Every Child A Swimmer, announced a partnership to help combat drowning and create more swimmers. The one-year agreement between these organizations marks a pivotal collaboration to further promote swimming education and share available resources providing free or reduced-cost swimming lessons in communities across the country. Other partners in this initiative are the Florida Swimming Pool Association (FSPA), National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA), and the United States Swimming School Association (USSSA).

Andy Levinson Appointed as PHTA 2022 Chairman of the Board
December 7, 2021

Andy Levinson Appointed as PHTA 2022 Chairman of the Board

The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance is pleased to announce that Andy Levinson has been appointed to Chairman of the Board for 2022. Levinson has been a member of the Pool Corp executive team since October 2020. Prior to that, he was the president of Jet Line Products, a swimming pool equipment and supplies business.

PHTA Announces 2021 Award Recipients
November 29, 2021

PHTA Announces 2021 Award Recipients

The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance is proud to announce the winners of its 2021 Awards, including Builder of the Year, Certified Service Professional of the Year, Retailer of the Year, and Young Professional of the Year.

PHTA Deems Pool | Spa | Patio EXPO a Huge Success
November 23, 2021

PHTA Deems Pool | Spa | Patio EXPO a Huge Success

The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance’s participation in the Pool | Spa | Patio Expo that was held last week in Dallas, Texas, was an overwhelming success. PHTA President & CEO Sabeena Hickman, CAE, noted, “It was great to have the industry together after two long years. The attendees were engaged, the energy was at an all-time high, and our educational sessions and booths were flooded throughout the week.”

Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Challenges Industry to Step Up for Step Into Swim Initiative
November 15, 2021

Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Challenges Industry to Step Up for Step Into Swim Initiative

Today, the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance and its foundation announced the expansion of Step Into Swim, an initiative committed to safe swim education, during the International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo in Dallas, Texas. PHTA is asking its members and other industry professionals to mobilize in reaching a $500,000 fundraising goal in support of the program. Funds will enable PHTA to share its water safety messaging and resources with families across the U.S., provide professional swim instruction to those who would not otherwise have access, and tap into its robust network to support safety in the industry.

Hayward Supports Step Into Swim - Focusing on Safe Swimming for Youth
November 8, 2021

Hayward Supports Step Into Swim - Focusing on Safe Swimming for Youth

Hayward Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: HAYW) (“Hayward”), global designer, manufacturer and marketer of a broad portfolio of pool equipment and technology, today announced its platinum-level sponsorship of Step Into Swim™, a 10-year initiative organized by the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance to create one million more swimmers. Hayward’s investment helps Step Into Swim advance its mission of promoting safe swimming for children in underprivileged communities by providing swimming lessons and access to pools.

Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Releases Leading Industry Research
October 18, 2021

Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Releases Leading Industry Research

The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) has recently released several industry research documents, including the 2020 Market Report, 2021 Economic Impact Study, and Quarterly Pulse Surveys. Part of PHTA’s mission is to provide industry research to increase its members’ professionalism, knowledge, and profitably. The research provided helps members plan for the future and stay ahead of the competition. Receiving quarterly and yearly business intelligence helps members stay abreast of significant industry developments and identify growth opportunities.

The Pool & Hot Tub Foundation, Florida Swimming Pool Association and International Hall of Fame Join Forces to Combat Drowning and Promote Water Safety Initiatives in the Sunshine State
October 12, 2021

The Pool & Hot Tub Foundation, Florida Swimming Pool Association and International Hall of Fame Join Forces to Combat Drowning and Promote Water Safety Initiatives in the Sunshine State

Florida ranks fourth in the nation for unintentional drowning deaths including swimming and boating-related incidents. On Friday, October 8, swimming and pool industry leaders from the Pool & Hot Tub Foundation (PHTF), the Florida Swimming Pool Association (FSPA) and the International Swimming Hall of Fame (ISHOF) announced a joint partnership to help combat drowning in the state. The one-year agreement between the three organizations marks a pivotal collaboration to further promote swimming education and share available resources providing free or reduced-cost swimming lessons in Florida communities.


PHTA Reveals the 2021 International Awards of Excellence Winners
October 5, 2021

PHTA Reveals the 2021 International Awards of Excellence Winners

The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) is proud to announce this year’s winners of the PHTA Awards of Excellence. PHTA’s International Awards of Excellence program is one of the largest, most well-renowned design competitions in the pool and hot tub industry. These distinguished awards recognize exceptional installations of pools, spas, hot tubs, and water features that showcase the most beautiful, creative, and innovative work in the industry. Each year, hundreds of entries are submitted by builders across the U.S. and the world.

PHTA President & CEO Sabeena Hickman Elected to National Drowning Prevention Alliance Board
September 15, 2021

PHTA President & CEO Sabeena Hickman Elected to National Drowning Prevention Alliance Board

The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) is pleased to announce that its president and CEO, Sabeena Hickman, CAE, has been elected to the National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA) Board of Directors.

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Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Strategic Partners:

  • Biolab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • RB Retail & Service Solutions
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness
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