
Certified Pool & Spa Operator (CPO)

cpo50 The CPO program is celebrating its 50th anniversary!

Please make sure you are logged in on your instructor account before attempting to view this material.

PHTA Instructor Agreements and Blank Charge Form

PHTA Instructor Education Affiliate Programs

The goal of the Affiliate program is to assist active PHTA Instructors in delivering additional in-person PHTA education to their students. This will demonstrate value as well as generate additional revenue for the instructor. Please click here to view a breakdown of each Affiliate Education Program.

  • Certified Hot Tub Technician (CHTT)
  • Certified Maintenance Specialist (CMS)
  • Certified Pool Inspector (CPI)
  • Certified Service Technician (CST)

To advance your Education Profile, please reach out to Ashley Reyna for more information.


CPO Online Approval Status

County and State Codes

Program Course Edit Requests

If you or your students find an error or have a suggested change for clarity/improvement in the course materials, please use this form to submit your edit request.

Instructor Materials (English)

Instructor Materials (Spanish)

Course Forms

Student Resources


Please note: The eBook is only a resource until students have a hard copy CPO Book in hand. Each student is still required to receive a hard copy handbook.

CPO PowerPoints

Please note: All animation has been removed from PowerPoints.

Math PowerPoints

Prometric Demo PowerPoints

CPO Demonstration Training Videos

Step Into Swim

Help PHTA create more swimmers! Step Into Swim is PHTA's water safety initiative that provides grants to swim lesson providers around the country, giving children in underserved communities access to lifesaving swim lessons. Every dollar donated to Step Into Swim goes straight to the learn-to-swim programs. Donate today!


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