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In 2019, the CMAHC assembled two new Ad Hoc Committees to address an emerging trend in aquatic venue design—public aquatic venues that mimic natural bodies of water. The Artificial Swimming Lagoon and Surf Venue Ad Hoc Committees were convened to study how the design, construction, operation, and management of these novel and extremely large aquatic venues could prevent illness and injury and propose change requests accordingly. This presentation will summarize the change requests; highlight proposed design, construction, operation, and management recommendations that differ greatly from recommendations for other aquatic venues; and provide the rationale for these differences.
Learning Objectives:
CEUs: 1
Course Fee: $39/member and $79/non-member.
This presentation will provide you with overarching ideas to consider when reviewing pool construction plans for public health plan review. We hope to provide you with objectives you can utilize while working with designers and owners to build a useable and safe public pool/spa/wader.
Learning Objectives:
CEUs: 1
Presenter: John Mason
Course Fee: $39/member and $79/non-member.
Indoor air quality (IAQ) in indoor pools is known to be affected by water quality, circulation of water in the pool, the design and operation of the HVAC system, and bather load. In this session, attendees will examine the project, review field experiments conducted to quantify IAQ dynamics in several indoor pool facilities, and discuss the mathematical model developed to simulate IAQ dynamics. Ernest Blatchley will explain how the model can be used to predict the effects of changes to system behavior, including changes to water treatment that affect water quality, as well as changes to HVAC system operation.
Learning Objectives:
CEUs: 1
Presenter: Ernest R. (Chip) Blatchley III
Course Fee: $39/member and $79/non-member.
Indoor air quality is one of the biggest challenges facing indoor pools today. While there are numerous methods, technologies, and polices to help with air quality, none of them have proven to be the silver bullet. This session will review current trends impacting air quality, best practices to minimize poor air quality, and new technologies that improve air quality.
Learning Objectives:
CEUs: 1
Presenter: Kevin Post
Course Fee: $39/member and $79/non-member.
While the CDC states that COVID-19 cannot survive in a properly treated pool and hot tub, that does not mean that public aquatic venues do not provide an opportunity for the potential spread of COVID-19. Reopening any business or establishment in these times is not without some risk to staff and members/guests. This session will examine how to manage those risks during COVID-19 and how to implement changes, such as social distancing and regular cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces, for long-term venue management during these unprecedented times.
Learning Objectives:
CEUs: 1
Presenter: Commander Joe Laco
Course Fee: $39/member and $79/non-member.
This on-demand education program is an introduction to the pool industry. A new employee goes through this program with the goal of understanding the basics of how the industry works, and some of the main components of pools and hot tubs. Topics covered include job roles in building, service, and retail; certification paths; definitions of main pool and hot tub components; basic water chemistry and the chemicals involved; safety; and water testing techniques.
Learning Objectives:
Course Length: 1.25 hours
Course Fee: $39/member and $79/non-member.
Pool Math: The Fundamentals is a short course from PHTA that provides practice and breakdowns for real math applications in the pool and spa world. Learners will practice converting fractions to decimals, calculate surface area and gallons of water in pools and spas, learn equivalent measurements, and more. This self-guided course includes videos and practice exercises. Learners should be in front of a writing surface to follow along.
Course Length: 1 hour
Course Fee: $39/member and $79/non-member.
Outbreaks of recreational water illness readily fall into two categories: chlorine sensitive and chlorine resistant. Designing adequate management systems to prevent these illnesses requires understanding how each type occurs. The prevalence of these easily controlled RWIs and the reports of widespread closures during an inspection indicate a widespread systemic failure in management at many facilities. This presentation will focus on numerous practical considerations that can be implemented to reduce both the chlorine-sensitive and chlorine-resistant RWI outbreaks. This session was presented at the 2020 World Aquatic Health Conference by Dr. Roy Vore.
Learning Objectives:
CEUs: 1
Dr. Vore is a Senior Consultant with Vore and Associates, LLC., located in Suwanee, GA. Previously, Dr. Vore was the technology manager at BioLab, Inc. His work focused on the control of microbial growth in recreational water and household surfaces. Roy is a Certified Pool & Spa Operator, a member of the Education Committee, an active contributor to the Recreational Water Quality Committee, was a major contributor to the Disinfection Water Quality module of the Model Aquatic Health Code (the "MAHC"), and the lead author of NSPF's Recreational Water Illness handbook. Dr. Vore holds a Ph.D. in bacterial physiology, master's and bachelor’s in microbiology. Dr. Vore has over 90 scholarly papers and presentations on the selection and use of industrial biocides, biocide testing methodology, the microbiological of swimming pools and spas, and the governmental regulation of biocides.
Course Fee: $39/member and $79/non-member.
Now more than ever, organizations are looking for better ways to manage risk and ensure safety at their facilities. The last thing they want to worry about in the face of a public health crisis or potential litigation is whether their aquatic team has followed the proper procedures for documentation of safety requirements. Many organizations are turning to software applications for the digital management and documentation of maintenance issues, inspections, water chemistry, staff management, certifications, and training. In this session, we'll present how digital tools can be used to improve risk management and safety, in a cost-effective way.
Learning Objectives:
CEUs: 1
Course Fee: $39/member and $79/non-member.