PHTA works with code development organizations and state and local officials to ensure the pool and hot tub industry has representation in the creation and adoption of code language that will impact engineers, builders, designers, and other stakeholders. This includes PHTA’s partnership with ICC in the maintenance of the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code.
At this time, most of the comments and work on development of the 2027 Group A I-Codes, which includes the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC), has been completed.
There is one additional hearing for this group of codes, the Public Comment Hearing (PCH), which is the final review by code officials before publication. Comments on subjects already raised at Code Action Hearing #2 (CAH#2) are accepted for the PCH. The dates for the PCH for Group A and B I-Codes are listed below.
PHTA is also submitting a proposal for the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) to have ANSI/PHTA/ICC-2 2023 American National Standard for Public Pool and Spa Operations and Maintenance serve as the reference standard for requirements for swimming pool and spa maintenance. This proposal will be heard during the Group B hearings.