Congratulations to the following professionals who earned their certifications in February 2025!
- Samuel Fleming
- Jessica Kutz
Looking for the 2,521 professionals who earned their CPO in February? See the full list here.
- Luis Aguilar
- Brent Bacon
- Laurie Barry
- Dan Betts
- Camille Birdsong
- Scott Bland
- Tyler Burks
- Kendall Calvery
- Allen Chadler
- Danielle Coleman
- Devin Dockery
- Hobart Doyon
- Louie Durham
- Dwayne Elliott
- Joshua Fletcher
- Amber Gardner
- Kelly Gott
- William Guyton
- Nolan Hearn
- Angie Hinn Schaub
- Scott Jensen
- Michael Kovach
- Mike Marcum
- Andres Martinez
- Madeline Masters
- Daniel Miller
- David Mills
- Marvin Morrow
- Les Mulkey II
- Bryan Murphy
- Marlon Murray
- Christopher Neirinck
- Kevin Noel
- Jacob Phillips
- Carl Poston
- Max Prensky
- Desmond Reed
- Nick Rosenberg
- Scott Ross
- Tyler Sapp
- Zachary Silvers
- Mark Sudduth
- Todd Thrasher
- Alfonso Ulloa
- Douglas Urias
- Ramon Vargas
- Harrison Veith
- Noah Weisberg
- Caleb Williams
- Scott Williams
- Alex Witting
- Niklas York
- Mark Zapalac
- Anthony Zhongor